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"Mitä helvettiä te ämmät touhuatte!?"

Female | 3 years | Kai-ken mix | Demisexual | Waku's group

No-one knows where Waku came from. She simply appeared one day and took the old Oak Hill as her living-space. As she didn't cause any trouble and was relatively respectfull to everyone, she slowly became part of the forest. No one knew her real gender or name, so she earned the nickname "Tiger". Waku is generally very distant and straigtforward with dogs around her. When someone gains her trust, however, she can be warm and caring as well. She seemingly has a lot of inner demons she is fighting against, but always attempts to show brave face to younger dogs. Waku has been trough many battles despite her young age, and knows at least one special move; "Kamikaze Tobu". It is not known yet where she learned it, except that it has been running in her family for decades. 


[Ua - ku]

"Excited heartbeat"

00:00 / 02:52

"Being sisters doesn't mean you

have to be related! You just have

to care about eachother!"

Female | 6 months | Spaniel-mix | Unknown | Waku's group

Camille was born to a female spaniel in a breeding-program. Because of this, she was taken from her mother too early, and sold to a young couple. The couple fougt a lot, and eventually broke up, leaving Camille with the young man, who took his frustation out on the pup. Camille eventually got enough and ran away, eventually finding herself in the forest. She survived by stealing food from other wild dogs. This caused Waku to speak with her, telling her to stop. Camille then listened to the speech of Roi who told the dogs of the forest about the White Hills. Waku warned Camille about Roi, and later Camille saw Roi and Miko attack Waku. She was infuriated from being lied to and jumped in to protect Waku. This earned the Tiger's trust, and the two see each other as sisters now. Camille is very loyal and brave. She has good morals and wants best for those she cares for, but isn't afraid to fight those who wrong her. She's also very playful, like any other pup.




00:00 / 04:30

"Why do all the females I fall for turn out

to be taken, freaks or bad guys?"

Male | 3,5 years | Akita-mix | Heterosexual | Waku's group

Kia was born to an abusive father and neglectful mother. Kia's father was a tyrant and led his small pack with an iron fist. He hated Kia for "being weak" in his eyes, even though he was just a pup. One night Kia's mother managed to sneak away from the pack and was never found. Kia was understandably upset, but his father threw him around, causing him his scar, telling his son to man up. Some time later the pack came across Henry, a lost hunting-dog. Kia's father forced Henry to join, and he and Kia soon became friends. One day Kia's father was punishing Henry for a botched hunt, and Kia finally decided to fight against his father. Despite finally "manning up", Kia's behaviour only angered his father. Kia then realized that there was no winning with him, and planned an escape with Henry. This worked, and the two have traveled together ever since. They saw Waku be attacked by Roi and Miko, and when they threatened Camille as well, they jumped in to protect them. Since then they have been part of Waku's small group. Kia is negative, often moody and bit rude, but he is a loyal friend to those he cares for. He is also somewhat of a hopeless romantic.



00:00 / 04:12

"Sorry lady, playtime is over!

My pal needs me!"

Male | 3 years | Dachshund-mix | Asexual/Aromatic | Waku's group

Henry's parents were hunters, owned by humans. Henry had a very normal, happy childhood, and was sold to another family who wanted a hunter-dog. Because they wanted to make sure Henry would not cause any unwanted pups on his hunting-trips, he was castrated, but this happened a bit early, causing Henry to stay in his puppy-like mind forever. Despite his playful nature, his owners still expected him to become a great hunter. But on his first trip, Henry got lost and was forced to join Kia's father's group. His happy nature helped him to befriend Kia, however, and when he was being punished for failing a hunt, Kia jumped in to protect him. The two then escaped the pack and started to travel together. Eventually they joined in with Waku and Camille. Henry is playful, a bit childish and immature, but when it comes to loyalty, you won't find a better male. Henry may seem incompetent but is actually a decent hunter and a good fighter. Thanks to his genes, he has sharp teeth and strong bite. 


"Ruler Of The Home"

00:00 / 02:14

"Jävla satkäring! If she still remembers me,

that means she remembers that too!"

Male | 4 years | Hällefors Elkhound | Homosexual | White Hill pack

Roi is one of the generals of White Hill pack and is travelling the world to recruit more dogs into the pack with Miko. Before joining White Hills, Roi was a drifter who did odd-jobs to different packs to get his daily rations. This sometimes meant stealing from other packs, or even killing someone. On one of his jobs, he was stopped by Waku, causing their eternal rivalry, Some time after this he met Miko and joined the White Hills. Roi is bitter and angry most of the time, but has an excelent poker-face. He has a silver tongue and excels in lying. His fighting-skills are bit lacking, but he knows how to use his head, and often only wins with scheming and plotting. Because of his Swedish roots, he often speaks in Swedish, especially when he swears. 



00:00 / 04:00

"Yes my friend. We will

go Tiger-hunting."

Male | 4,5 years | European Laika-mix | Bisexual | White Hill pack

Miko is one of the generals of White Hill pack and is travelling the world to recruit more dogs into the pack with Roi. Not much is known of Miko's past, wether he was born into the White Hills pack, or joined it later. Either way, he seems loyal to his leader. Miko is bit mysterious. He seems kind on the outside, but can be brutal in his fighting. He is not above killing pups in order to get his way. He is calm and calculated, and a perfect foil for his partner Roi. Miko hides his scars under his long mane, and is seemingly concious of them. It is not yet known why.​



"Child of God"

00:00 / 04:21

"NO! I will not give up before her coat

is hanging on that tree!"

Male | 3,5 years | Mixbred | Heterosexual | Mountain Pack

Swart is the third child, and the only son, of Mountain pack's leader Obsidian and his mate Crystal. Due to his small size, Obsidian deemed him not good enough to become the leader. But as he was the only male, and females were not allowed to be leaders in the Mountain Pack, Obsidian made a deal with Swart: bring him the pelt of someone known for their power, and the leadership is his. Swart decided on the "Red Tiger of the Forest", aka Waku, and Obsidian commanded him, alongside his sisters for the mission. Swart is conniving and cruel. He seems to only care for the position, and is willing to command his sisters like underlings to get what he wants. The only one he deems worthy to listen to is his elder sister Blanka. Swart is smart and skilled fighter, but his ego gets the best of him most of the time. He is also subjected to manic episodes, seemingly losing all concious thoughts and turning into a raving lunatic at times. Swart is determined, but cruel.



00:00 / 05:05

"Five of us could easily take on Waku.

If she was alone. And she is not."

Female | 4,5 years | Mixbreed | Asexual | Mountain Pack

Blanka is the firstborn daughter of the Mountain pack's leader Obsidian and his mate Crystal. Despite being the firstborn, she was deemed unworthy to become the leader due to her gender. Despite this, Blanka is a natural leader. She is smart, strong, determined and demands auchtority from anyone around her. Despite these good gualities, she is tainted by her loyalty to her father and brother. She is willing to risk everything for her brother's sake, even though she shows no sisterly love towards him, or any of her siblings for that matter. According to Zuri, she often "tells on her" to their father, causing Zuri to get punished often. She demands absolute loyalty and hard work, even from her youngest sister. Blanka is calculating and smart beyond anything, and a born leader... Too bad her father doesn't see this...



00:00 / 03:35

"Either he is weaker than me...

Or he didn't want to hurt me..."

Female | 4 years | Mixbreed | Bisexual | Mountain Pack

Vellai is the second born daughter of the Mountain Pack's leader Obsidian and his mate Crystal. Out of all her siblings, she seems to be the most sound of mind. She undesrtands that the ways of her pack are wrong, and wishes to act on it, but her loyalty to her sisters and the fear of retaliation from her father keeps her silent. Vellai seems to have good social skills, alongside her smarts and fighting-talent, being able to befriend many dogs on their mission, but always having to bid goodbye to them, and even hurt them after they refuse to bow to her brother. Vellai is kind and caring, but is forced to hide this under a hardened shell. It is not yet known what her relationship with her siblings in. She seemed to genuenly like Kia, either as a friend of a potential love interest, and seemed truly sad to leave him.


[Uel - lai]


00:00 / 04:50

"Whenever I do something wrong,

Blanka tells on me, and he... he..."

Female | 8 months | Mixbreed | Unknown | Mountain Pack

Zuri is the fifth born and the youngest daughter of the Mounatin Pack's leader Obsidian and his mate Crystal. Zuri is like any other pup: playful and outwardly happy. But deep inside she is terrified of her family, especially her father. She is given a lot of difficult tasks, but because of her young age, tends to fail in them. She is easily distracted and likes to play games like "The River-race". Zuri's mind is often clouded with fear and worry, and her battle-skills are still lacking due to her young age. She is loyal to her family, but seemingly only due to fear. Zuri doesn't like fighting, and would so much rather play than hurt people. She is a good pup, but in a bad situation.



00:00 / 03:12

"Little freaks like you

should be castrated!"

Female | 2,5 years | Mixbreed | Homosexual | Mountain Pack

Biely is the fourth born daughter of the Mountain Pack's leader Obsidian and his mate Crystal. Biely is quick to anger and bit snobbish. She doesn't listen to other well enough and this may cause her some trouble. She is especially stringy about males touching her. Biely doesn't seem too interested in her family's inner drama. She only cares that she gets fest meat every day and that the pack looks up to her thanks to her heritage. She is not interested in trying to please her parents, but joined the mission to keep herself from being punished. She hates getting her fur dirty, and even though seemingly good fighter, has a habbit of losing herself in her anger. She also has a low pain tolerance. Biely is a snob and rude, but deep inside she is a nice dog.


[Biee - li]


00:00 / 04:05

"You know the Three Dames will never

bow to the likes of the Robbers!"

Female | 5 years | Border Collie | Bisexual | Temple Dogs

Falca is one of the three leaders of the Temple Dogs, known as "The Three Dames". Falca takes care of the inner issues of the pack. She is brave, loyal and smart, but also tends to get angered relatively easily. She does have a good head on her shoulders however, and is willing to apologize for any mistakes made. Falca became the leader of the Temple Dogs thanks to her kind nature and smart ideas. She is a headstrong leader, which is both a blessing and a curse. She isn't beyond killing to keep her pack safe.


00:00 / 04:07



"My guard caught you? Not so hight

and mighty, are you, eh drifter?"

Female | 5,5 years | Great Dane | Homosexual | Temple Dogs

Dobra is one of the three leaders of the Temple Dogs, known as "The Three Dames". Dobra takes care of the outer conflicts and leads the guard. Dobra has a bit of a short fuse, being easy to anger. She is strong willed and headstrong, and has strong morals. Due to her easily triggering anger she can be a bit scary, but she truly cares for her packmates and especially her fellow dames.


00:00 / 04:17



"Please forgive Dobra, she is stressed

because of the Mountain Robbers."

Female | 6 years | Borzoi | Homosexual | Temple Dogs

Preda is one of the three leaders of the Temple Dogs, known as "The Three Dames". Preda is in charge of medical help in the pack, training nurses and midwives as well as working as a healer herself. She has a stellar knowledge of healing herbs and poisons, and has helped a lot of pups to the world. Preda is endlesly kind and sweet, very motherly soul who loves pups among anything else. She hates fighting, but understands it is part of a life of a wild dog. She is always willing to listen to new ideas and give chanses to new innovations. She cares deeply for her fellow Dames.


"Destined for greatness"

00:00 / 04:59

"You may want to say your prayers while

your heads are above the water!

Female | 3,5 years | Dalmatian | Homosexual | Temple Dogs

Chahia is the runner of the Temple Dogs, working as a scout and a messenger when needed. She is known as the fastest dog in the pack. Chahia was born alongside her three brothers who all bullied and mocked her for the timid nature. Chahia ran away from her old pack and was found by the Temple Dogs. She was welcomed in with open paws and has grown much braver with her new friends. She is endlesly loyal to her pack, and is willing to die for them if needed. She doesn't have the sharpest of teeth and isn't an experienced fighter, but her speed and agility has been benefical to the Temple Dogs.




00:00 / 04:54

"I'm taking this bastards on a walk in HELL!

Tell my children I love them!"

Female | 5 years | Husky-mix | Bisexual | Temple Dogs

Vani is one of the generals of the Temple Dogs and leads the guard alongside Dobra. Vani is aggressive and loud, proud of her power and commands auchtority from dogs around her. Despite her rough shell, she is a loving mother to her two pups. Vani is strongwilled and willing to die for the sake of her pack.

00:00 / 03:39


"Eloquent in words"


"The first new rule of this pack:

Touch my sister and die."

Male | 3 years | Schnauzer/Doberman-mix

Asexual | Mountain Robbers

Diathi is the current leader of the Mountain Robbers. He won the leadership by killing the old leader with the help of his sister Arven. Dianthi's father was a drifter and hes never met him. His mother took another mate and was soon pregnant again. During her pregnancy the pack was attacked by the Robbers, who killed Dianthi's step-father and other males, forcing the females and pups to join. Soon after Arven's birth, their mother died from starvation and abuse. Before her death, their mother made Diathi promise to look after his sister. Diathi took this promise to heart and basically raised Arven on his own. When Arven was old enough to have pups, the leader attacked them, but the siblings were able to defeat the leader together. Arven then told Diathi that he should take the leadership, and seeing how the mutts would hunt them down if they tried to escape, Diathi did so, in order to protect Arven. Diathi made new rules to the pack, including making killing pups punishable. He tried to keep the mutts happy, but was pressured to eventually attack another pack, choosing the Temple Dogs. Diathi is calculating and smart, but very stressed over having to lead a band of murderous beasts. He cares deeply for his sister and trusts her with his life. He doesn't really want to hurn anyone, but knows that in order to protect his sister, he has to make sacrifices.




00:00 / 03:47

"I want freedom. REAL freedom."

Female | 2,5 years | Schnauzer/Doberman-mix

Homosexual | Mountain Robbers

Arven is one of the current generals of the Mountain Robbers. She and her brother killed the leader by breaking his spine and drowning him. Arven thought it would be amazing that his brother took the leadership of the mutts, but later saw how much it stressed his brother. When Waku gave her the chance to get rid of the mutts she told her brother she wanted real freedom, knowing it would turn his brother's head. She knows Diathi loved and trusts her, and she feels the same towards his brother. Arven is proud and headstrong, a little smug, ever so sure of her own skills and always ready to show them. She can be a bit manipulative, but deep inside she cares for her brother and her few other friends.


“Friend to all”

00:00 / 04:15

"No. Not yet."

Male | 5 years | Tibetan Mastiff | Heterosexual | Mountain Robbers

Marco is one of the current generals of the Mountain Robbers. Marco was born into the Mountain Robbers pack and was raised to the habbits and morals of the Robbers. He was respected due to his huge size and brutal powers. He never spoke much, usually only barking orders when he did. Marco was loyal to the old leader, and never really liked Diathi, especially when he constantly made up new rules and postponed the nest attack. Marco grew so bored of not moving that he started fighting his own packmates to keep himself entertained. When Diathi came forward and showed that he had betrayed the Robbers, Marco grew enraged.

Marco is quiet, violent and vile with his morals. He sees caring for others

as weakness.



00:00 / 03:13

Male | 6 years | Chihuahua | Heterosexual | Mountain Robbers

Rikku was one of the generals of the Mountain Robbers. Rikku was born to another pack, but due to his messed up morals, he was kicked out and after few years of drifting, found his way to the Robbers. They attempted to kill him first, seeing him as a fun toy, but Rikku was able to defeat up to ten mutts and was accepted in th epack by the old leader. He soon raised up in rank and became a general. Rikku was hyperactive, loud and spontaneus, but even though he loved having fun, he did so by the expence of others. Rikku would get bored easily, and often wondered why Arven was "allowed to walk around free". Rikku was loyal to the old leader, and mostly feated Diathi. He died in the attack to the Temple when Chahia jumped in the water-mount with him between her teeth, drowning him.


"FUUUUCK!! Not again!!"



00:00 / 04:13
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